2 in 1 Centerpiece & Favor

Choose Your Color

Don't see your color? Give our designers a call. We may have it! 1-888-673-8265

Choose Your Color Now

Simply click on your preferred colors to see how it looks like in your party favor. This only allows you to have a closer look of your party favor. If you want to see these colors in your bouquet, you will need to call our designer to help you customize your centerpiece online. We have a state of the art tool, where you and our designer can work together to customize each part of your centerpiece. Call us at 888-673-8265.

Important tip

1. CHOOSE COLORS FOR THE TASSELS – You can choose either a single color or multiple colors for the tassels (tiny ribbons). The more colors you choose, the better it looks like.

2. CHOOSE COLORS FOR THE POMPOMS– Choose either a single color or multiple colors for the pompoms. Consider the color of your table cloth, table napkins, runners and other table decorations.